Student Drop-Off 2024-25

Elementary Student Drop-Off Protocol 2024-25

When dropping off your child on the elementary school schedule, you will find a yellow painted area identifying the drop off zone at the back entrance to the building.  This area is designated as the zone for children to exit the vehicles at one time to speed up the drop-off process.  Staff will be outside each morning signaling when it is okay to enter the building.  Students will begin entering the building at 8:55 a.m. and no sooner than that.  All students should be inside the building by 9:05.  Once the gate is closed students need to enter the building at the main office entrance. Attendance will be taken by 9:10.  The first car will pull all the way to the end of the zone where the sign Please pull forward to this line” is placed.  


  • Each vehicle will follow, allowing as many vehicles as possible to enter the designated zone.  
  • School personnel will let you know when your child may exit the vehicle.  Please exit the vehicle on the curb side and inside the zone. 
  • For the safety of our students, please be patient and stay behind those in front of you throughout this process.


(Please click link below)

Parent Pick Up 2024-2025