High School Cafeteria

Lunch Menu includes NEW Fruit and Salad Bar

We are now fortunate to have the option of offering a full salad bar as a lunch option.  Students and staff have the opportunity to “build” their own chef salad with options such as cheese, chicken, vegetables, beans and egg as well as a variety of dressing choices.  Students can also choose a smaller “side salad” as a compliment to their regular lunch.  You will also find fresh fruit that is locally grown.  These healthy options for our school have been received with great support and interest by students and staff alike.

HS Salad Bar

Crooksville High School 2015-2016 Menu

Free breakfast and lunch for all students

Student Extra Milk .50 cents

Adult Lunch $2.25 – Adults extra milk .50 cents

Menus subject to change due to availability of foods or unplanned school closings.