Community members interested in using the district premises (building and/or grounds) are encouraged to read the following guidelines before completion of the application. (See File: KG-R-2 Community Use of School Premises (Guidelines) Section #13 providing CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE, also you will find the schedule of costs).
Call the building principal to check the dates available – send or bring the application to the school for the principal’s signature – ONE MONTH PRIOR. For athletic fields a the application must be completed and approved by the high school athletic director. Final approval will be made by the Superintendent, the approved application will be returned to the individual and/or organization requesting use of school premises. If a fee is charged, payment may be sent to the Crooksville Schools Treasurer.
Crooksville Schools Administration Office 740-982-7040
Crooksville High School Office 740-982-7015
Crooksville K-8 Office 740-982-7010
APPLICATION AND GUIDELINES: File KG-E Application for Permit to Use School Premises – KG-R-2
BOARD POLICY: File KG and KG-R-1 Community Use of School Premises (Equal Access)
Parental Waiver, Consent and Release Form for participation in non-school events/activities for minors (example AAU Basketball, Babe Ruth Baseball, etc.): Parental Waiver – Minors for Non-School Events
Information and Rules for Use of the school gymnasiums and school baseball/softball fields and track: Rules for Use of Facilities