The Crooksville Board of Education ensures equal opportunity and access to all students in the district to be fairly and equitably assessed for identification in the four areas of giftedness: Superior Cognitive Ability; Creative Thinking; Specific Academic Ability; and Visual and Performing Arts.
The Crooksville School District uses the following instruments from the Ohio Department of Education’s approved list to screen and/or identify talented and gifted individuals: Raven’s 2 Progressive Matrices2, Terra Nova 3rd Edition Complete Battery, Woodcock Johnson IV Cognitive Abilities, Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement, Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, CogAT Form 7, Scales for Rating the Behavior Characteristics of Superior Students and the Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales 3rd Edition. In the area of Visual and Performing Arts auditions, performances and displays of work may also be evaluated.
The Crooksville School District accepts scores provided by other school districts and trained personnel if those assessment instruments are approved by the Ohio Department of Education. The district assesses students twice yearly during the first and last quarter of the school calendar. Students transferring into the district will be assessed within ninety days at the request of a parent or legal guardian. Students may be referred for assessment by school personnel, parents, and peers.
Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Gifted and Talented Coordinator at 740-982-7015. The Ohio Department of Education has approved the district’s policy and plan for the identification of gifted students.
Gifted Services
Crooksville Plan for the Identification and Service of Gifted Students